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SECOR - "Design for Resilience"

The group of companies that brings transparency to the supply chain and helps you to reduce your bottom line risks with a toolbox.

SECOR helps reactively in crises and proactively increases the security of supply in your company

The SECOR Group is a start-up from Munich that makes the automotive industry’s supply chain more resilient and transparent with two business divisions.

SaaS: Software-based solutions to reduce supply chain risks

Our SaaS division(www.secor-sct.com) offers patent-pending solutions for minimizing supply chain risks when awarding new contracts for components in the automotive industry, various tools for increasing semiconductor transparency and for handling crises.

After the dashboard, as part of the SECOR DATABASE, we are currently implementing a SECOR Shortage Report that efficiently supports your weekly bottleneck rounds including reporting to the Executive Board, including weekly action tracking.

We then plan standardized answers to: Which supplier is located in the current earthquake or flood zone. So that targeted measures can be taken with this supplier in good time.

Chips & Library: Innovation for the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) – standard hardware and software

The Chips & Library division (www.secor-cl.com) has developed a patent-pending product innovation for Software Defined Vehicles (SDV) that makes hardware and software interchangeable in a standardized way for the first time in the automotive sector (analogous to the x86 PC concept).

Optimizing semiconductors shortly before SOP in terms of performance and memory and using error-free software in a modular way helps to quickly tune your E/E architecture to be SOP-ready and deliver it to the customer earlier.

At the same time, the whole thing is also becoming more resilient, i.e. if a chip factory is unable to deliver, the pin-compatible semiconductor is supplied by another manufacturer(second source) from another continent .

Creating transparency

SECOR SaaS offers a standard database that answers questions such as: which component of your company is contractually produced for longer than the installed semiconductors. In this case, for example, early banking would be recommended.

Resilience as a standardized award criterion

The SECOR RESILIENCEscore, also known as the R-factor or R-rating, enables the OEM to compare offers from different suppliers in a standardized way when awarding contracts. In this way, a resilient supply chain can already be economically realized at the awarding stage.

"Design for Resilience"

Use the SECOR RESILINCE comparison matrix to optimizedifferent BOM (parts list) options for your components in parallel with the development progress.


Standardized software (analogous to x86 PCs) in combination with standardized hardware helps your company to implement the SDV (software defined vehicle) more resiliently and economically in a shorter development time.

Discover the possibilities

Visit us at www.secor-sct.com and www.secor-cl.com and find out more about how we can optimize your supply chain. Get in touch with us and let’s shape the future of the automotive industry together!